How to Get Your First Gig Job

Getting your first Gig Job and wanting to work as a Gig Worker can be one of your greatest first challenges.  The good news is – If you are looking at this website and the resources we provide, you’re taking the first step and you are serious and have the will to succeed! As GigjobsCanada has identified from Gig Workers and Employers, Gig workers are challenged trying to overcome the “conundrum” of “no experience = no job opportunity” cycle in the Gig economy. The other good news is that Employers too are challenged trying to find good, quickly deployed, flexible reliable people willing to work in a fast changing economy. Together by taking those first steps and putting the right combination of tools to use and into place with a plan in mind will lead the way to having job ready experience and to building employer relationships and methods to learning about where the future opportunities are with Employers. We’re here to help at GigjobsCanada! By starting with a combination of;
  • Building a Resume with the other resources and tips on building your first Resume or a enhancing, adding on and improving your existing Resume for your next opportunity.
  • Giving thought, consideration and pursuit of a Volunteer Experience Role or a Work Experience Role. Employers are more likely to hire someone they know than sometimes individuals they do not know. What better way to get introduced to a long term employment opportunity than knowing who and where the Employment opportunities by being involved as a Volunteer or Work Experience contributor.
  • Employers think highly of Gig Workers who demonstrate their serious intent to working by their actions.  If you take on a Volunteer Experience role, congratulations – you are breaking out of the “no experience = no job opportunity” cycle in the Gig economy. Now you have some experience to start applying in your Resume, Skills & Experience Sections and you start to position yourself as part of the group of other Applicants who do have experience.
  • Building your Resume with the use of widely available and accepted resume tools and building resources.
  • Start to apply for positions and always state your goal. Never say you will take “anything” or “any” position. This leaves the employer with the sense that you are not clear or confident in what value you can provide to their organization.
Put yourself in the Employers position; What do you think their organization is trying provide to people and think about experiences you have had as a customer and what you could offer or provide better than what you have experienced and tell prospective employers about how you make a better experience happen for their customers and for the employer.